Saturday, October 22, 2011
Stopping for the One
When we first arrived in Belize, we felt that God was leading us to invest into the people who He would draw to us, and even take these people with us wherever we would minister. This is stopping for the one...the one who God places before us. Some of our team stopped for one man named Godfrey. He is a Belizian that is 47 years old and has grown up all his life in Corozal, where we are currently staying. Godfrey had been sober for three days when we first met him. He has lived a life of addiction to alcohol and drugs, on the wide road that leads to destruction, but he has now entered the narrow road that leads to eternal and abundant life. We have taken in Godfrey as a part of our team and he has accompanied us pretty much everywhere we have gone to minister; to the town square, to the hospital, to the villages. He also worships with us as a team in the mornings. He said that he feels new life in him and that our team gives him strength. We are investing into Godfrey all day long. How wonderful it is to stop for the one.

Our team has been stopping for the one our entire time in Belize. The first night we went to the square and just sat with the people...they were mostly drunk and hurting people. We know that these are the kinds of people that Jesus would be hanging out with. We are Jesus with skin on. I got braids put into my hair here in Belize. The people here speak English, Spanish and Kreol, which sounds like Jamaican. I wanted to fit in more here, so I had my hair done up. I got a chance to minister to Vickey, who put my braids in. Then Jesse and I went next door that evening to play cards with a guy named Renan and some other locals.

Yesterday the team went to the villages to minister door to door to families while some of us stayed back to make some much needed repairs to the vehicles. Last night some of the team went to spot alligators near the mouth of the river while Victor and I went night fishing and caught some catfish.

This morning our team had a worship time together and then prayed for a man who has been suffering with demonic attacks because of voodoo that was placed on him. He had made our team buttered chicken for dinner the previous night. Then we piled into Shekinah and Overflow and headed to the hospital to pray for the sick. What an awesome time! The nurses let our team enter every ward to pray for people. I prayed for one boy in Spanish who had a fever. The boy and his mother were then called in to see the doctor. When she left the doctor's office I asked her if her son still had a fever. She replied that the fever had left. I told her that this was a miracle. We want to empty hosptials. Jesus loves to heal the sick and the brokenhearted. Tonight we will pray together and ask God where in Belize we should go next. Our Iris Latin America team is on a wild ride!
Christian Jung

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