La Pita, El Salvador
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Ministry in an Area Devestated by Flooding

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Ministry in an Area Devestated by Flooding
Yesterday our Iris Latin America team once again split up in order to cover more ground here in El Salvador. One group went to a government-run orphanage for boys ages 10 to 17. The group that I was in drove to the south-eastern part of El Salvador to minister in an area called La Pita that has been recently devestated by flooding and mud slides. We went house to house praying for the families and inviting them to a church service. Mostly we just wanted to encourage their hearts and love on them as most of their homes had been flooded so badly that each familiy took their children to the street above the flood line and lived under plastic tarps until the flooding subsided. Many of the people lost their livestock which is really their livelihood. We went to pick up one lady who couldn't walk in her own strength and bring her to the service. It was hot even with the fans running. The pastor started the service with prayer and singing. Maria gave a testimony. Roberta shared a word that God had given her. Then I taught from Isaiah 43 and Psalm 40 about the waters not being able to sweep us away and God taking us from the mud and setting our feet upon a rock. After the message nearly everyone present came forward to have their hearts encouraged and receive a touch from God. We also got to drink coconut water straight from the coconut that had been opened with a machete, which is always a treat. It has been really neat partnering with YWAM here in El Salvador. They have been lovely hosts and given us great opportunities to serve alongside of them.
Christian Jung

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