Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
We are currently on this journey together as a team and family here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We have been delayed here a while but not inconveniently as the Father is working to bring us into a deeper purity and oneness to release a greater glory and fully fulfill His purpose for us as a community on this journey. There are thirty of us from many different nations living together in small places and can at times become hectic but as we refocus on the goal of this journey which is Christ Jesus Himself we are again refilled with excitement and expectancy that He has so much more for us. We had an amazing last couple of weeks here as our team stayed in poor flavelas (slums) and ministered the Gospel of His love. We stayed a few days in what was said to be the most dangerous flavela in this part of Brazil. In so many places we go people tell us how extremely dangerous it is so we were not too worried. In this place what people were talking about was pretty visibly evident when we got there. As we walked to a worship meeting we were going to have out in the street with a church we passed many members of the drug trafficking gang that ran the area. There were strapped with pistols, large automatic rifles and machine guns. We loved on them not being nervous by the weapons in their hands and even hugged them and prayed for them. We had the opportunity to pray and prophecy over the gang manager and some of the members the last night before we left and they were extremely thankful that we came and their faces lit up with as we spoke life and destiny into them. We were staying with a mission there that did not expect we would even follow through and come because most teams always back out because of fear from hearing how dangerous that area is. We did not have to worry about theft there because they cut off the hand or kill anyone who steals. They don’t want cops to come in so they keep the neighborhood afraid to steal by taking these extreme measures. We realized the main danger was not the trafficking gang but if the police came, in a moment shootouts can take place and people could be caught in cross-fire. There was one moment when a couple of our women had a gun drawn in their faces because they were using a cell phone and the gang thought they were giving information about what was happening in the neighborhood, but when realized that they not a threat it was put down.
The gang manager that we prayed for testified afterward that they were about to go to war with another flavela that night but after we prayed for them he felt such a peace and life that he was confused and decided that they would not go.
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