Bom Fim- THE END
Hello All, First of all, let me apologize for
the cliff hanger I left in my last post. so dreading writing that post that when
I finished I just left it like that. Secondly, for those of you who haven't
heard or seen me I am now officially home in Good ole Franklin Tennessee. The
decision to come home probably one of the fasted made decisions I have ever come
When my little group of 8 had finally arrived safe and sound in Georgetown and we had, had time to hang out for a few days, catch up on some much needed rest and finally get some quality time with our other family members we hadn't seen in very long. As I rested I couldn't keep my mind off of the decision I knew I was going to have to make. A large sum of the team had made plans to go home for Holiday to see family and finally be back in their homes for a little while. While everyone else, including myself, planned to continue on and finish the 2 remaining countries (French Guiana and Suriname) then wait for the next step from Papa. However, if I have learned anything from this past year is that plans will change, especially when we are following Holy Spirit's lead, and nothing will ever make since (and I don't believe it is supposed to). My issue was, was that I had basically run out of finances and if I had continued on with my team to finish those last 2 countries it would have been just like it had been for most of the year, a complete walk of faith. It was a choice I would have easily made but something was drawing me home. It was almost as if I could tangibly feel the weightiness of God's Grace for me in this season lifting. When God initially prompted me to go on this trip I had no clue what I was getting into, but I kept hearing a year. Without even knowing what it would look like, when people would ask how long I would be gone I always told them a year.
Well that year was up this month November 1st to be exact. God is always faithful to His word. So all of this brought me to the decision to come home. Only problem was I had no money to get home. Well you better believe as soon as I had made the decision in my heart and really felt peace about it ( even though I would be missing a crazy adventure in those last 2 countries) God provided the money. One of my long time supporters a wonderful man who clearly hears the voice of God, sent me an email saying he wanted to send me some money. Now I had not said a word to anyone about this, but God knew! I told my supporter what I was thinking and he was able to get a ticket home for me, from the help of my extremely over-joyed mother. I would be heading home from Georgetown, Guyana within the next 3 days. Those last days were a bit insane for me. A rush of emotions with so many other people heading home as well it was a crazy time. The people I had lived with, bleed with, cried with, got angry with, the people I loved so much, my family, who always held me accountable and I learned so much from, they were all going to be leaving. But I was determined not to dwell on that matter. My last few days in Guyana were amazing. I was able to see most of the city while spending a lot of quality time with my family still ministering where ever I went. My team mate Liz and I went out one day to do some souvenir shopping. We came across this woman who had a prosthetic leg I wanted to stop and pray, but was apprehensive, I definitely should not have been.
We start to walk past her when
she stops us to ask what the buildings around were. We told her we were not form
there and didn't know. She then begins to inform us she is almost blind and is
walking around to local businesses asking for money for an expensive eye
surgery. I look at Liz and then at the woman and say “well ma'am we are
Christians and we would love to pray for your sight to be fully restored.” She
agrees and we pray a simple prayer then ask her if there is any improvement she
says “a little.” So I ask to pray again and after I prayed a second time she
seems shocked and says “I can almost see you completely right in front of me”
all while really testing out her eyes, moving her sunglasses and squinting. With
a huge smile on her face she says “thank you so much and God bless you” then
continues on her way. I am still contending for her complete healing! I believe
she got it! Now the day arrived when I was actually flying home it was a strange
feeling , then again that feeling could have been from the lack of sleep I had,
had the past week. All the many 3am airport runs, staying up late with family,
hanging out with the homeless guy that lived outside the door of the hostel. We
had met a taxi driver who was a Christian one night and asked him if he would be
willing to drive us 2am in order for me to get to the airport by 3am to catch my
5am flight. He was more than willing and well as one of the coolest men of God I
have met especially in Guyana. On the drive to the airport he shared with us so
much about his life, his incredible testimony, his story of how him and his wife
got together, and some serious revelation about the presidential election!
Before this time the President Obama had not been announced as the winner.
However, God had given our Taxi driver some extreme downloads about it. At one
point he just says “oh so Obama has won the election and we all says “really
when did they announce it?” to which he replies “ oh they haven't yet, but God
told me and he showed me a vision about why.” We all just look at each other.
Without going into to much detail of the vision basically it basically entailed
that if Romeny had won the country would no longer turn to God for answers, but
would look to a man for them, but because Obama had won people will turn more
and more to God for strength and shelter in our times of need. I walk up to the
desk to check in and that is when I was informed my flight had been canceled due
to a snow storm in my layover in New York. I didn't know what to do.. I asked if
they had a computer with internet so I could get a hold of my mom (after all
this is Guyana and working WIFI can not always be expected). They say the
internet is down, but they allow me to use their phone to make an international
call. I talk to my mom and she already knew. So we get in a cab back to the
hostel. I go back to sleep. When I wake up I begin to try everything. Finally
after many failed attempts I get a hold of of someone, who to this day I am
convinced she was an angel. All I had to do was tell her my flight info and that
I wanted to change my flights to fly out of Miami instead of New York and she
did everything else and for free. My tickets were changed and I was flying out
the next day and with less layover time getting me home about 5 hours earlier
than I would have. Even if it was 4 flights in one day. I was happy to be home.
My family had to work so my best friend Shelby picked me up from the airport,
bags and all! Now I am here! Spending time with family and friends, working, and
loving life!
This time the transition back into American society has been so much smoother and easier it almost took me by surprise just how smooth it has been. I feel as if I have come to a new area of understanding where my home really is. In Jesus. Therefore, I am able to be home wherever I may stay. Being able to love whomever I am around just the same as the rest! So that is where I am at.... Don't worry I still have more to come. Love and Blessings, Rachael Michelle
When my little group of 8 had finally arrived safe and sound in Georgetown and we had, had time to hang out for a few days, catch up on some much needed rest and finally get some quality time with our other family members we hadn't seen in very long. As I rested I couldn't keep my mind off of the decision I knew I was going to have to make. A large sum of the team had made plans to go home for Holiday to see family and finally be back in their homes for a little while. While everyone else, including myself, planned to continue on and finish the 2 remaining countries (French Guiana and Suriname) then wait for the next step from Papa. However, if I have learned anything from this past year is that plans will change, especially when we are following Holy Spirit's lead, and nothing will ever make since (and I don't believe it is supposed to). My issue was, was that I had basically run out of finances and if I had continued on with my team to finish those last 2 countries it would have been just like it had been for most of the year, a complete walk of faith. It was a choice I would have easily made but something was drawing me home. It was almost as if I could tangibly feel the weightiness of God's Grace for me in this season lifting. When God initially prompted me to go on this trip I had no clue what I was getting into, but I kept hearing a year. Without even knowing what it would look like, when people would ask how long I would be gone I always told them a year.
Well that year was up this month November 1st to be exact. God is always faithful to His word. So all of this brought me to the decision to come home. Only problem was I had no money to get home. Well you better believe as soon as I had made the decision in my heart and really felt peace about it ( even though I would be missing a crazy adventure in those last 2 countries) God provided the money. One of my long time supporters a wonderful man who clearly hears the voice of God, sent me an email saying he wanted to send me some money. Now I had not said a word to anyone about this, but God knew! I told my supporter what I was thinking and he was able to get a ticket home for me, from the help of my extremely over-joyed mother. I would be heading home from Georgetown, Guyana within the next 3 days. Those last days were a bit insane for me. A rush of emotions with so many other people heading home as well it was a crazy time. The people I had lived with, bleed with, cried with, got angry with, the people I loved so much, my family, who always held me accountable and I learned so much from, they were all going to be leaving. But I was determined not to dwell on that matter. My last few days in Guyana were amazing. I was able to see most of the city while spending a lot of quality time with my family still ministering where ever I went. My team mate Liz and I went out one day to do some souvenir shopping. We came across this woman who had a prosthetic leg I wanted to stop and pray, but was apprehensive, I definitely should not have been.

This time the transition back into American society has been so much smoother and easier it almost took me by surprise just how smooth it has been. I feel as if I have come to a new area of understanding where my home really is. In Jesus. Therefore, I am able to be home wherever I may stay. Being able to love whomever I am around just the same as the rest! So that is where I am at.... Don't worry I still have more to come. Love and Blessings, Rachael Michelle