Friday, November 2, 2012
Venezuela--Back to the Top!
names have been changed to protect privacy.
months ago, my team and I arrived in Cartagena, Colombia and started the long
journey down to the tip of South America.
Circling the entire continent and arriving back at Venezuela, Colombia’s
neighbor to the east, seemed ages away.
But after traveling through mountains and jungles, experiencing both icy
cold winters and boiling summers, and most recently crossing the Amazon
River…we’re finally back to the top!
last few weeks have been a strange period of changes within the team, and as
usual, nothing is going quite the way we planned it. Several weeks ago, our team decided to plan a
hiatus for the holidays, aiming to finish the South American continent before
Thanksgiving and returning to the Caribbean after Christmas. Though this has birthed a new wave of
ambition, it has also created a bit of a
in Fortaleza, Brazil, Tanya (our nine-month pregnant team leader) decided to
stay behind to await the birth of her second child. Her husband and “birthing team” are currently
in Fortaleza with an amazing mid-wife and could be there for a while. Our team goal is to meet up in the tiny
country of Guyana by the beginning of November.
In the meantime, the rest of us have been left to choose whether to stay
in Fortaleza to help out there, spend some time in the Amazon jungle, or travel
to Venezuela. While many chose to stay
in Fortaleza for a bit before making their way to Guyana, I (and seven others)
decided we were going to get to the Amazon jungle and Venezuela and still make it to
Guyana on time to reunite with the rest of the team.
first I thought it wouldn’t be possible to cram so much traveling into such a
short time period, but with the right combination of prayer and stubbornness,
you’d be amazed at how much you can get done.
into the jungle with such limited time and money was literally a miracle for our
group of eight. We headed to Manaus, a
jungle city on the Amazon River, and prayed that God would provide a way to
travel into an indigenous village. At
first, we were told it would take at least three days on a boat and hundreds of
dollars. But after a day of researching
and praying, God brought Moises into our path.
Right away, this local Brazilian boated us to a tribe he’d been working
with for years. We ended up visiting an
amazing village on the Amazon that required only a couple hours of travel and
about $30 including both boat fuel and food for a week. What looked impossible at first quickly
unfolded into a perfect and smoothly-executed plan.
returning from the jungle, we had less than two weeks to get in and out of
Venezuela and make it to Guyana to meet the team. Two people from our jungle team flew home
early for the holidays, and three of the guys stayed behind in Brazil to sort
out passport issues. However, Elizabeth,
Natalie, and I were determined to get to Venezuela. Again, God arranged things just right, so
what seemed an impossible goal became smooth and easy. Our jungle friend Moises connected us with
his friend Raquelle who connected us with her friend Rosa who connected us with
her friend Anamaria. After four degrees
of separation and two tiring bus rides, the three of us girls ended up at
Anamaria’s home in the city of Santa Elena, Venezuela. Anamaria, a fiery pastor of a local church,
provided us with beds, constant food and coffee, and the entertainment of her
children (two biological daughters and another young girl who lives at the
seven-year-old daughter, Lupe, excitedly asked us where we were from, as she
threw in comments about her dream of going to Disneyland one day. When I told her that I’d lived in California,
just miles from Disneyland, her face lit up in pure amazement. From then on, she introduced me to friends as
“the one who lives near Mickey Mouse.”
When our new Venezuelan family found out our palest team member,
Elizabeth, was from South Africa, they confusedly asked her why she wasn’t
black. They constantly made remarks
about her skin, and Lupe began to introduce Elizabeth as “the one who lives with
tigers and elephants.”
our first night in their home, Anamaria sat with us and asked us to share our
hearts for ministry. She assumed we were
a typical missions group who had pre-planned dramas for children’s programs or
cheesy skits to share with the church.
Anamaria explained that she had a children’s service the upcoming weekend
and asked what we normally do. Slightly
worried about what she’d think, we explained that our team isn’t your typical
group of missionaries. Our goal is to be
led by the Holy Spirit, not to run programs that we could run entirely by our
own strength. Our desire is to
accomplish things that would be virtually impossible without the power of
God. We told Anamaria that one of our
main ministries is praying for the sick and seeing the power of God heal
people. And the last time we’d run a
children’s service…well, we’d asked the children to ask God what He was saying,
and they started drawing all the visions God was showing them and prophesying
dreams over their futures.
weren’t sure how Anamaria would react, afraid she might be disappointed that we
didn’t have everything planned or that we operated too “out of the box” for your
typical church. But as we shared our
hearts, a huge smile spread across her face, and she said our arrival was an
answer to prayer. Her church had been
contending for breakthrough in healing and seeing God’s miracles, but most had
yet to see or experience such a thing.
Anamaria wanted us to share with her congregation and pray for the
breakthrough they’d been waiting for.
we chatted that first night, everything appeared to click just right. We’d been brought to Santa Elena for a
reason, and that reason seemed quite clear. We were eager to serve alongside
Anamaria in any capacity, assuming we’d already figured out God’s perfect little
plan for Venezuela. Yet once again,
things didn’t go quite as planned...
next few days consisted of a bizarre series of events that revolved around
Anamaria’s demanding schedule. Our first
morning, she knocked on our bedroom doors at 5 a.m. and told us to get up to
pray. We groggily got out of bed to find Anamaria and a church member named
Juanita passionately praying in the living room. After an hour or so, we drove to the church
where we met other intercessors. I’m all
for prayer, but I could hear the woman next to me repeating the same words over
and over and over rather than praying something from her heart. She seemed afraid, as if she didn’t say the
right words three hundred times she hadn’t prayed correctly. I sensed legalism and obligation—the stark
opposite of the freedom we are living in.
next morning, Anamaria’s daughters banged on our doors bright and early once
again and told us we had five minutes to get ready. Anamaria wanted us to go the
market to “evangelize.” Unsure of what
she was expecting, I reluctantly went to the market with Natalie, Elizabeth, and
two of Anamaria’s girls. I have never
seen an effective street preacher and was not about to try to be one. Rather than barking at random people in
Spanish, we decided to just talk to people and pray for them. However, the hearts of the people in Santa
Elena were closed, and we were continuously rejected. Anamaria showed up after about an hour of
awkward attempts at prayer, and we told her that we’d failed to accomplish
anything. She explained that the people in her city were afraid of foreigners
and that she'd known all along that we wouldn’t be well-received. It seemed that we’d been deliberately thrown
to the wolves.
in the week, we were out in the city with Juanita, one of the women from the
prayer meeting. She received a call from
Anamaria who ordered the Juanita to drive us to the church right away to run a
children’s program. We had told Anamaria
we didn’t have dramas and programs prepared and were a bit befuddled by the
demand to run a program with just two minutes notice. We were shoved in a car,
dropped off at the church, and thrown in front of a group of kids. We asked the children to close their eyes and
ask God what He was telling them. When
they shared, their responses were, “I am a bad person” or “I need to be more
obedient.” As I listened to the kids, I
began to notice a theme of fear and control that seemed the exact opposite of
what Christ died for.
we tried to talk to Anamaria or get information about how we could plan ahead
for ministry, we were told she was busy.
I wanted to confront her but felt it was not my place. Natalie and Elizabeth felt the same. We spent our days confused and
a few days, we received news that Taylor, Ben, and Moose had their passports
sorted in Brazil and would make it to Venezuela after all. Juanita kindly offered to host the boys in
her house.
arrived on Saturday, and the following morning, we attended Anamaria’s church
service together. We were shocked to see
that her congregation consisted of only twenty people or so. All her meetings, all the demanding orders,
and all of her oh-so-busy schedule had given us the impression that Anamaria was
the pastor of a mega-church. Yet, we
realized that this congregation was just a tiny group of people. When Anamaria clapped, the congregation
clapped. When she stood, they
stood. When she knelt, they knelt.

for the record, my heart is not to defame anyone or to criticize anyone’s
ministry. However, it makes me sick to
see people abuse pastoral power for their own selfish gain. I am not a Christian to achieve
influence. I am a Christian, because I
love Jesus. Honestly, I hate
religion. I hate rules and structure
that are created to make one look important or to create a feeling of
control. I hate the abuse of a pastoral
position to gain power, esteem, or clout.
I hate the hypocrisy that has caused many to despise the word
“Christian.” But I love God, and I love
His people. And forcing religion upon
them is not loving them at all.
wondered if our words would take root in peoples’ hearts or if they would simply
be dismissed. I wondered what Anamaria really thought about us. I wondered why I
had come to Venezuela at all. At first,
I had thought it was to serve Anamaria; but I soon realized God had not sent my
team for the person seen in the front of the church but actually for a few of
the most invisible members.
and I prayed for a quiet girl in the congregation who requested prayer for her
family. While praying, Ben received a
word of knowledge about wrist pain and asked if anyone in the girl’s family had
wrist pain. She extended her arm towards
us and said that she had pain. We prayed
for her wrist, and the pain left right away.
Surprised, she went over and showed her friend. God heals His children, because it’s His good
pleasure. That is
Elizabeth, and I spent time talking to the girl who lives at Anamaria’s house
(but is not her biological daughter) and realized her value was constantly being
challenged. She was treated more like a
servant than a daughter and needed to know that her worth didn’t come from how
many dishes she could wash but simply who she was as a daughter of God. So we spent time talking, laughing, and
telling her she was beautiful (something I am not sure she’d heard many times
before). She begged us to stay longer,
and I realized maybe God had sent us just for her.
the week progressed, we girls hung out at Juanita’s house as well to spend some
time with Taylor, Moose, and Ben. We
realized it was God’s perfect plan to get the boys to Santa Elena. If they hadn’t made it, we wouldn’t have had
much connection with Juanita. Juanita
was another person who was slightly under the radar but in serious need of being
noticed. She worked for a tourism
company that takes people to beautiful waterfalls a couple hours outside of the
city and offered to take all six of us for free. We gladly accepted her kind offer. She seemed discouraged when we left Santa
Elena, but while at the waterfalls, her spirit seemed lighter. She had raised two sons who were now adults,
and I think she felt a sense of family when she spent time with the boys on our
team. She smiled as she watched Moose
and Taylor playing in the waterfalls and told us girls that they seemed like two
big kids. We laughed and agreed with her
conclusion. I could tell that Juanita
missed her own sons, and some piece of her heart came alive when she was with
us. She told Natalie that she’d felt so
sad lately, but when we came, she started to feel
opened up to us about how she’d been hurt within the church and was tired of
being controlled. Part of her wanted to
leave the church, but she also longed to see change there. She felt trapped and had no one to talk
to. Her husband already had bitterness
against the church, and she knew venting to him would only cause more. Within the church, she found herself unable
to speak freely about the issues she observed.
When she saw that our team noticed the brokenness no one else wanted to
admit, she opened up her heart to us. As
we spoke with Juanita, encouraged her, hugged her as she cried, and prayed for
her, I knew it was no mistake we’d come to Venezuela.
wish I could say that by the time we left, everyone’s problems were reconciled,
and revival and change broke out in the church.
Well, that didn’t happen. There’s
still a lot that needs to be confronted and dealt with in that little church in
Santa Elena, Venezuela. But despite the
mess, we knew it was worth it to travel just to be with Juanita and the girl who
lives in Anamaria’s house and some of those in the church who don’t normally get
the time of day. At times on the journey
we’ve seen people dramatically healed of cancer or deafness; at other times
we’ve seen remarkable inner healing.
Yet, at other times, all we get to see are tiny seeds planted; and the
best we can do is pray they will grow into something beautiful.
Baker, the founder of Iris Ministries, often says this simple expression. “Stop for the One [God], and stop for the one
[the person in front of you].” Sometimes
it’s this simple. We don’t always get
the glory we would like or see the fruit of our labor, but stopping for the One
and stopping for the one needs to be enough.
It is enough. A hug, a smile, or an encouraging word for
somebody--it’s all worth it when we stop for the one.
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