I literally have seen and caught this vision and picture where my whole being totally dissolves into Christ Jesus, the best place to be is where we, being the very fullness of Him that fills ALL things to the world become so one with Jesus they cannot even see us anymore, but the manifestation of Christ starts to become so fleshed out through the work of the cross in us it actually draws men to Jesus as He is lifted up in every place (John12). I fully believe this is the place where the church will come into such a cooperate grace to no longer live, but by faith the life of Christ will tangibly flow unhindered through His bride coming into FULL bridal partnership.
To see Him the way Paul saw Him in spirit and in truth there requires a knocking off of us off our high horses that will drive us to our knees to the place where ALL the blinders fall off, where the Father is sending the anointing of the Holy Spirit continually to baptize us in His infillings as He flows in power to break through everything that hinders Love in order to create the most humble and needy posture of hearts possible in grace.
There is nothing more attractive and compelling to God then His body and bride being at home with Wisdom. When they fully are agreeing with Him and letting the work of the cross, the cross equaling God’s perfect and highest wisdom, take on flesh continually in them through divine participation and communion with His body and blood in the very eating of His own nature as it imparts everything God is in Christ to our spirits every time we choose to partake of the Man who is both fully God and fully Man!
Longing and aching to come into much more experiential reality of being in Him, hidden in His life and glow.
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