As we drove toward the capital one of our vehicles started overheating and spilling our coolant and we had to continually stop and take care of it. Soon after that “new wine” our smaller motorhome van was making funny noises and pulled over to the side of the road. As soon as it pulled over the vehicle dropped and when getting out to check, the rotor and wheel had completely fallen off from the axel. It was definitely angels holding it up because if it had fallen apart while driving it would have easily flipped and rolled but it wasn’t it until it had completely stopped on the side of the road that it just fell off. We loaded everyone and their luggage into Open Heaven, the larger mid-size motor home to continue down the road because we were in the middle of nowhere at the time. When we got to the next small town we were able to find a tow truck and drop it off with a mechanic. About fifty Kilometers down the road the motor of Open heaven overhauled and Ted and I had to sleep in it on the side of the road while we sent the others ahead in two trips to find a motel. The next day we were able to tow Open Heaven to a mechanic and found that the motor needed rebuilt. We are now left with one working vehicle and twenty-five people but God provided us with a refuge to stay at near the capital of Montevideo for only seven dollars a night. Tanya has been pretty sick for more than the past week staying up all night coughing and having trouble breathing. Please keep her in prayer and for the baby in her belly. We will be ministering to youth over the next week here and then moving to a more central place in the city. Please keep us in your prayers always. God is using us to spread His love and glory across the nations with this amazing, radical group of laid down lovers of Jesus that we are leading.
Please pray with us that God’s
glory continue to be poured out in every place we go and that full provision
come in for the needed repairs on vehicles and personal finance for each person
on our team to continue the journey.
Jesse, Tanya and Zoe Gellatly
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