Friday, July 13, 2012

Brazil, the journey

It has been just over ten months ago that we set out on this journey from Washington State.   With an average of 25 missionaries from 10 different nations traveling, living and sharing the love of Jesus together, it has been, the least to say, a live changing experience.  We often sleep on the side of the road, camp on beaches, in villages, on church floors and occasionally churches take us into their homes or put us up in hotels.  We have gone deep in the jungles, in remote mountain villages, to the slums, prisons, hospitals, red light districts, the inner-city streets and constantly minister in the local churches.  We are now in Brazil which is the 16th country we have ministered in within the last ten months.  We estimated at the beginning of this journey that it would take about a year, but with six more countries before us in South America and after that sailing the Caribbean ministering in the islands from Venezuela to Florida we really don’t have any idea how many more months are before us on this journey.  We have never been able to stick to an itinerary and whatever plans we try to make always have to be adjusted due to the constant unforeseeable delays. 

It is so easy to become very busy doing ministry but we are constantly reminded that all fruitfulness flows from intimacy.  As we remember that our main ministry is first to Jesus and then out of the overflow of our time in His presence is where the most miracles and spiritual fruit comes from.  We carry so much more than just a message of hope, but we carry God Himself in us, the fullness of His Kingdom and power within us.  When we walk in the constant conscious awareness of His nearness and no longer think of ministry as a duty or activities but we simple live in love with Him and in the simplest of things like going to get a cup of coffee lives are touched and people are healed and saved.  Every day we must remember to first stop for the One, Jesus Christ, and then as we go about our day we stop for the one He puts in front of us that is in need of His love and touch.  Throughout our journey whether in church meetings or on the streets we minister prophetically to people’s needs by keeping our hearts sensitive to the Spirit of God and seeing people through His eyes with His heart for them.  Bodies are healed of all sorts of pains and sicknesses, blind eyes see, deaf ears are opened and we dream and believe that He wants to do even so much more. 

Living in community on the road in often times intense or stressful circumstances has been the most growing experience and we are learning to love each other, cover each other’s shortcomings and be unified in heart and spirit.  The more unity we experience as a family equals the measure of God’s glory we carry with us.  Often times we go to cities and countries having no contacts and no plans but as we pray together and seek God’s direction so many doors come open and divine appointments are made.  Often times our whole team has gone days without a shower, We have to use the restroom in the bushes, we experience serious vehicle breakdowns in the middle of nowhere, people run out of money, We have driven continuous 14 hour days in a row, We have been in the most dangerous places in the western hemisphere with people constant warning us and through these times we have the opportunity to experience the greatest release of God’s miraculous grace, provision and protection.

Why do we do what we do?  The answer is that He is worthy and this is what He told us to do.  Two years ago while praying with a group of people in Mozambique for South America the Lord began speaking to us.  As we wrote down all that He showed us, it seemed crazy and impossible.  We stepped out in faith knowing that He would have to meet us for this to happen.  Now here we are ten months later, having been to the end of the world, the southern of the continent and on our way back up we can surely say that He is faithful and is constantly causing to fall deeper into love and faith with Him.  Thank you so much for all of you who have prayed for us and supported us.  We could not be here without you.  May the Lord richly bless you and may you reap from the fruit and reward of what God is doing through our team in South America. 

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